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Jaxumus Maximus stickers


In Finnish:
Väsyttääkö? Jaxupyhimys Pyhä Jaxumus kuulee rukouksesi, ja tuo kupposen lämmintä piristystä. Toivota näillä tarroilla itsellesi tai ystävällesi maksimaalisia jaxuja: Jaxumus Maximus! Toisessa tarrassa on Pyhä Jaxumus itse, toisessa kahvikuppi sekä teksti "Pyhän Jaxumuksen veri sinun puolestasi suodatettu".

In English:
In Finnish there is a playful way to wish more energy for someone saying "jaksuja/jaxuja!" or give a "jaxuhali", an energizing hug. One time I wanted to wish my friend a maximum amount of jaxuja, so I came up with "jaxumus maximus!" and from that the Saint Jaxumus was created. The saint of jaxu brings you more energy in a form of a hot cuppa, (the blood of Saint Jaxumus, which was filtered for you).

Wish you or your friend "Jaxumus Maximus" with the Jaxumus sticker. The other sticker has a coffee cup and the words "the blood of Saint Jaxumus, which was filtered for you" in Finnish.

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